So a roar (big, big cheers) went up yesterday at 3:45 p.m., when the kids were let out of school and started their two-week vacation. The kids definitely celebrate vacations here more in Boulder.... must be due to the French-style (very strict) of schooling.
Anyway, as you can see, Tommy is happy.
Last night, we finally picked up our membership cards for the American Club, and while Bob and I hung out with friends drinking margaritas, the kids made new friends who, as an added bonus, live nearby. They also ran and ran and ran on the huge grassy lawn, something you don't see much of around here. Kids need space like that.
Tomorrow we leave for our next adventure to Venice, Italy, and Cairo, Egypt. We'll try to post while traveling over the next couple of weeks.
I'm hoping to have a guest blogger soon to describe his fun experiences with the traffic police. I'm quite sure you won't be able to guess who that is.
But now, as an added bonus, we have a word from Anna.
Okay, HI EVERYONE I know I haven't posted recently, but I have been VERY busy...
on Wednesday I had a book-report-type-thing due, but the catch was I had to present it to the class (groan), so I memorized a whole speech on Harry Potter #1 IN FRENCH (I am not yet done reading the book in French). So on Wednesday I was kind of freaking out, however, it went very well and the whole class applauded afterward. (something that they did for no one else). Then the teacher did a HUGE, INCREDIBLY NICE speech about my progress in French. (Very nice but more attention then I liked; I was totally blushing).